Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Butterfly trying to sting like a bee..

There will come a time when we as women will realise that being masculine to get power or success is the wrong way. 

 Its like a butterfly trying to sting like a bee.. 

I've seen it so much in the corporate game, observed it with my own eyes and thought this is like when u hear finger nails on a chalkboard.. It's disturbing.. 

So today, I'm calling you out.. 

Because by doing this you are further entrapping the feminine and shakti forces within you and without.. 
This force is Mother Nature itself.. 
The life giving and loving source of the universe.. 

When you understand it, than you will understand your own beautiful, powerful and true nature.. 

It's not about proving we are equal with masculine attributes, It's about showing them our strengths are just as powerful.. 
The human touch, the nurturing and spirituality of a women can uplift this world.. It is what we are missing.. The love, the peace, the humanity is what the feminine force brings to your world.. 
Empathy to every single life form, to be in touch with Mother Nature itself.. 

By now I hope u are visualising Avatar and that tree.. 

I have always said, the more women in power, the less wars, less conflict.. 
And I'm talking not just Presidents and Prime Ministers.. 
They are just puppets behind a whole lot of people.. 
I'm talking about the whole team that make the decisions.. 

Sooooo stop being like a man and thinking you should be.. There is nothing wrong with vulnerability, with surrender.. You actually need these characteristics to move into higher realms of consciousness.. 

Freedom and happiness is when who you are on the inside becomes who you are on the outside.. 

And lastly... 
If there is one thing you should start with knowing is that the creative source comes from the feminine side of the universe.. 

Much love and peace..

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