Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Young Phoenix

The ancient nightingale's message from the universe pierces our very sight.
 Our eyes close with calmness, as we face daily calamities and battles
Urges to conform to societal pressures and the spicy flavours of the day besiege us
Tempt us, blur even our judgement, and subdue our heart to reach those distant starred dreams
We find ourselves taking the easy way out and end up on a lonesome desert road
Filled with mirages and an oasis of transient charm
Like a tempest that hauls gale force winds across the land with its feather touch
It to craves the sense of belonging and to feel humanity
Burdened by gravity,
Even the high Himalayan Mountains of happiness and the low valleys entrap its freedom.
Relentless, the seeker howls as it burns through the tunnel of fury,
Until a tiny window of opportunity presents itself.
Unlike the many falsehood of choices that had previously beckoned unfruitful desires
Or like the Eden apple that led us to a Mayan empire of yuga proportions
Nor is it like a black hole of ignoramus oblivion.
No, this is a growing star of truth
Of pure Light, luminous energy and magnetic magic
Which never undulates in the magnitude of darkness and space
The so called “negative and positive” forces collide transforming and evolving the core of the being.
And in that moment, blazing across the sky, the young phoenix spreads its fiery wings rising to meet the glorious morning sunshine.

~ Pranishka

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