Monday, October 4, 2010

ze ze ze ze ze....

The human eye is full of illusion and haze
Thoughts disillusioned, turning us into a bewildered daze
Its time for humanity to begin the next phase
Stop being so lethargic while running through inertia’s maze
Remove those dusty consumer cloaks, those feeble fashion crazes
Lets acknowledge the ocean as it greets us with its gracious waves
And smile at the sun, be warmed by its light and blaze
Yes, get back to nature, grass roots and the simple days
Where kids would run free, ride bikes and play
Not stuck inside on a computer playing violent games
While developing body conscious insecurities and calling each other names
We need to educate and instil the right values and the right ways
What it means to be a successful human being truly needs to be changed
Start promoting people who uplift the human spirit – yes, they should be praised
Their strength and leadership, role modelled and phrased
Than only will the next generation begin to see life through that divine gaze
Instead of the bull shit we put up with and see everyday.

~ pranishka

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Greatest Leader in our lifetime... to date


I am proud to call myself a South African because of this man.
No matter of all the injustice
I'll not walk in the past
Why go back to that jail cell
When Madiba already lived through that for us
For our rights and freedom.

"Nelson Mandela has never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he has never answered racism with racism. His life has been an inspiration, in South Africa and throughout the world, to all who are oppressed and deprived, to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation.

In a life that symbolises the triumph of the human spirit over man s inhumanity to man, Nelson Mandela accepted the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of all South Africans who suffered and sacrificed so much to bring peace to our land. "

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Limited Taker & The Infinite Giver..

If Life is about give and take..
Than the only limitations we face are things that we take.
If it is freedom you seek than give.
Because kindness and giving have no boundaries
You can do this everyday and and do it infinitely.
Give without expectation and you will find your freedom!

~ Pranishka

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The power of the Human Spirit...

I have been blown away so many times by the power of the human spirit to conquer against odds..

Time and time again, there are amazing people who are are rising above limitations and overcoming adversity.. When we see or here these stories its the physical attributes of their journey that are at the forefront, but there is a whole myriad of mental power, guts, focus, determination, and development that they had to get through and break the cycle..

People who push boundaries of existence and life so that we as a human species can evolve.
so very inspirational.
Will Smith said, "you got a dream? You got to protect it"

No short or easy way out...
Take the long walk to freedom.

Here are real examples of this..

Monday, August 30, 2010

Will Smith

Wills Wisdom...

Some of my favourite lines...

Skill is only developed by hours and hours of beating down on your craft
While the other guys are sleeping, I am working...
Dedicate yourself to being better everyday...
Believe that something different will happen no matter how ridiculous the idea is.
Don't be afraid to die on the treadmill.... hahaha
Don't let anybody tell you can't do something.
You got a dream, you got to protect it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Out Of Suffering...

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

~ Kahlil Gibran

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Michael Jackson

As a legendary musical wave lands on the shores of silence...
His beats echo and break across the bass of the ocean
For eternity the pure sound vibrations tap into your very life force
While the message in the rhythm takes over like its your only source
~ Pranishka

Michael, his Genius, his immensity was not meant for this world.. We have been blessed and gifted to have him in our lifetime..
How can you thank someone for instigating your love of music, for giving you the beat while infusing and instilling so amazing messages and values through this medium!
I just hope he can now feel how much he meant to us all..
Attached is something my father wrote for him.. Being in South Africa, MJ meant alot to people of colour back in the 80's.. Because he was on the first black man on MTV, to break so many records and was doing amazing things in the world.. He gave us South Africans hope.. :)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lost Beats

We are becoming desenstized
Equlized and synthesied
Living contridictions
Socially conditioned
Making Auto-tuned decisions..
Stop being a sample
Amplify and be an example!

~ Pranishka
~ Pranishka

The Golden Leaf

Floating beneath the surface of a harsh reality
The inner universe becomes your source of solitude and sanctuary
Claustrophobic clusters of disenchantment and fractals of frustration
Leave a stale scent of pervading cynicism
And as it lingers in the air
You exhale a sigh of disbelief
Wondering what the world could have been  
Painted on a golden leaf...

~ Pranishka

Free At Last

As the long days behind me blur into even longer days ahead
I endure with a focus that never fades through a tempest night
My awakened ambition drives,
Searching for a street named freedom amidst the moonlight
A journey only beginning its transient twilight.
For I know that the evening eclipse will break at dawn to ignite
And in the sunshine of success I will blissfully bask

His dream, a reality, God Almighty, Free at last.

~ Pranishka

The Guardian

The guardian of righteousness has began his journey
Graced with amazing dreams
For he who travels at the speed of light
Can only be like a lighthouse
A navigator of inspiration
A beacon of vision and change
Guiding all through even that darkest moment in life.

~ Pranishka

The Deviation

Widespread and growing by the day.
Thoughts of you make their way
Like the sun you blaze through the clouds of grey
Illuminating even the darkest moments, filling the world with radiant rays.
Change is not coming, it is a constant vibration,
And you my friend are the deviation.
As your will and opportunity face off in a daily duality of reality
You realise that living in hope alone is not good enough
That you, yourself have to stand tall and uphold your truth and value
And fight with non-violent feats for every one of your dreams.
Only than will life articulate its vision and sight through eyes of freedom and righteousness.
And the universe...
The universe delivers on your so called life of grand.
Where kindness never fades from your serving hands.


The Young Phoenix

The ancient nightingale's message from the universe pierces our very sight.
 Our eyes close with calmness, as we face daily calamities and battles
Urges to conform to societal pressures and the spicy flavours of the day besiege us
Tempt us, blur even our judgement, and subdue our heart to reach those distant starred dreams
We find ourselves taking the easy way out and end up on a lonesome desert road
Filled with mirages and an oasis of transient charm
Like a tempest that hauls gale force winds across the land with its feather touch
It to craves the sense of belonging and to feel humanity
Burdened by gravity,
Even the high Himalayan Mountains of happiness and the low valleys entrap its freedom.
Relentless, the seeker howls as it burns through the tunnel of fury,
Until a tiny window of opportunity presents itself.
Unlike the many falsehood of choices that had previously beckoned unfruitful desires
Or like the Eden apple that led us to a Mayan empire of yuga proportions
Nor is it like a black hole of ignoramus oblivion.
No, this is a growing star of truth
Of pure Light, luminous energy and magnetic magic
Which never undulates in the magnitude of darkness and space
The so called “negative and positive” forces collide transforming and evolving the core of the being.
And in that moment, blazing across the sky, the young phoenix spreads its fiery wings rising to meet the glorious morning sunshine.

~ Pranishka

Make Change

I find it exhausting
When people complain
Yet all they seem to do is go around in circles
Coining only phrases,
Expecting change...
As the inertia of ignorance and fear captivates their futile chants of no I cant's,
I wander past their wishing well and throw in my 2 cent grants
Like nurturing a growing seed into a beautiful plant
I hope that little ripple of belief becomes a wave of inspiration
A life savings plan to invest in happiness
For that should be our first business.
Let it become a currency of common sense
Not a liability or an expense
Make change to make a difference.
~ Pranishka


The New York Alchemist

An ancient Samaritan
Strolls down the sultry streets of Manhattan
Lighting the way with his verve and magic lantern
The cold concrete and cobblestone road
Into a heavenly path paved in gold

His gentle glances
Revealing a spectrum of experiences
Juxtaposed through history
And full of mystery
The immensity on his face bares great scars and the wisdom of time
Yet a plethora of people walk on by
Blind-sided by their own ego
And looking for the next dollar sign.

When the avaricious caste finally catch a glimpse
Of his vibrancy, calm disposition and indifference
They try and squeeze every drop of blood out of him
But he knows their game
Those loitering, money hungry, leaching types
And remains unaffected by their glut and temporary bites

His quest and journey taking precedence
Focused and unwavering without incident
He speaks a rare and unspoken language
Translating everyday limitations into realisations
Living his values through real life situations

Graced with insight
He foresees that his dreams
Live beyond those Calvin Klein jeans
So he embraces the moon and the night
By distilling the haunted darkness at every sight
Traversing obstacles,
Worldly temptations and red lights

Emerging with freedom
And an awakened heart
He's now on an omniscient path
The universe blessing him with the aurifying art
A life force effervescent and so prophetic
He floods the air with a pervading serenity, it’s magnetic
An altruistic ascetic
Can it be?
Yes, he is in our midst
A living, breathing Alchemist!


Wake Up Warrior

Wake up warrior!
Your light awaits to meet the darkness
On the battlefield of consciousness
Stand with your sword of value and conviction
Or you will be the victim
As your Dawn breaks
Face your demons
For they will be your greatest teachers...

~ pranishka