Thursday, February 20, 2014

Asato mā sadgamaya - From ignorance, lead me to truth...

The sun writes verses through rays of light 
That touch the earth's landscaped pages
So I try and read in between the lines 
Just to feel the warmth of the words through the silent spaces

The moon walks with the tides
Giving hope to fireflies
And glow worms that come alive at night
Where an owls gaze illuminates portals
And star-gates
Made of feathers and stardust particles
For its Immortal stargazers

It was in that moment 
Where Titians tempest and a nightingale met 
Under the avatar tree
They sat in silence as the holy seeds of the great masters, gurus and ancestors danced and floated with the wind of Shivas enchantment 
Asato mā sadgamaya
From ignorance, lead me to truth;

I watched in awe 
Holding a water-bearing trident in my left hand 
And mantra beads on my right
Om triumbakham I hope they don't see me 
I'm not ready for my history

They pretend like they don't, 
And the Holy tree unveils an epic story from their akashic records 
A past life as Krishna and Arjuna 
Titian's Tempest and the Nightingale reminisced about riding that golden chariot into the great battle of Kurukshetra.. 
Where bolded golden glowing bows and arrows of dharma 
Rained through the sky, tipped with agni's fire

But there was something else, something powerful, so magnetic and magical that drew me to the foundations and roots of the tree

So my gaze moved

There I found the striking shy eyes of truth - Sathya
As she peeked from behind Maya - the illusion
Her twin sister 
Our eyes locked with an intense curiosity
Oh lord help me
Om triumbhakum
She saw me

Intrigued by my visit she morphed into a golden orb engulfing me with a beautiful aura made from the blue light of protection
It was the only way she could fool Maya at her own game of deceptions
She wanted to get to know me, and I her
So Sathya awakened her cousin’s Prema and Prana
And within seconds, Prema’s pure essence of love pervaded my space 
And Prana blew a gustily breathe of life and awareness gracefully onto my face
This was for me to move past the limitations of my souls vasanas and it's gunas
A purification
As they parted Agni came with an ember 
And burnt away my hurt from past loves 
She left with the ashes and said take these diamonds, 
Go be true
Be you
Be that Diamond Phoenix
That's the real you
Sathya stayed like a guardian by my side 
As we flew though another gateway of consciousness 
Unhindered no longer by those blind blinking observations 
Of the human sensory divisions
Free spirits 
We moved like warrior of lights 
Into those 3rd eye dimensions
Where we were finally safe in the truth seekers heaven
She welcomed me with a blessing 
A transcending shaktipath 
From the universal source
Its Sat chit ananda 
Truth consciousness and bliss
The reality of life
There I met my gurus Sri Aurobindo and Swami Sivananda
They guide me past the astral, 
The chaotic karmic
Through the timeless akashic
And into the calm nirvana of supra consciousness
Where no mind ticks
No heart beats
Where the pure atma of souls meet
Under the holy avatar tree who unveils an epic story of Sathya and Me.
A past life where Sathya was Krishna and I was Arjuna
We reminisced about riding that golden chariot into the great battle of Kurukshetra.. 
Where bolded golden glowing bows and arrows of dharma 
Rained through the sky, tipped with agni's fire

asato mā sadgamaya
tamasomā jyotir gamaya
mrityormāamritam gamaya

From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;
From death, lead me to immortality

Om shanti shanti shanti
