Monday, October 4, 2010

ze ze ze ze ze....

The human eye is full of illusion and haze
Thoughts disillusioned, turning us into a bewildered daze
Its time for humanity to begin the next phase
Stop being so lethargic while running through inertia’s maze
Remove those dusty consumer cloaks, those feeble fashion crazes
Lets acknowledge the ocean as it greets us with its gracious waves
And smile at the sun, be warmed by its light and blaze
Yes, get back to nature, grass roots and the simple days
Where kids would run free, ride bikes and play
Not stuck inside on a computer playing violent games
While developing body conscious insecurities and calling each other names
We need to educate and instil the right values and the right ways
What it means to be a successful human being truly needs to be changed
Start promoting people who uplift the human spirit – yes, they should be praised
Their strength and leadership, role modelled and phrased
Than only will the next generation begin to see life through that divine gaze
Instead of the bull shit we put up with and see everyday.

~ pranishka